For Participants

Tourist information

Dear Colleague,

due to the circumstances that have arisen in Ukraine the Organising Committee decided to move the conference "Mathematics For Life Science" to the next year.

We sincerely apologize for possible change of your plans.

Hopefully, the situation will turn for the better and we will be able to invite you once again to Kyiv and hold our conference.

Yours sincerely
Organizing Committee

3rd EUMLS Conference
“Mathematics for Life Sciences”

The international conference Mathematics for Life Sciences will be held from 10 September to 14 September 2014 in Kyiv, Ukraine. It was initially planned to hold in Donetsk, however due to the situation that have arisen in Ukraine the Organizing Committee decide to move it to Kyiv.

This is the third meeting in the series of events to be organized in the framework of the Marie Curie IRSES project EU_Ukrainian Mathematicians for Life Sciences (EUMLS).

The previous conferences were in Kyiv, September 2012 (EUMLS-2012) and in Olenivka, September 2013 (EUMLS-2013).

The conference is devoted to recent research in life sciences based on applications of mathematics to biological and medical studies. It is a multidisciplinary meeting forum for researchers who develop and apply mathematical and computational tools to the study of phenomena in the broad fields of biology, ecology, medicine, bioengineering, environmental science, etc.

The main topics of the conference

  • Approximation theory.
  • Biological imaging processes.
  • Biophysics.
  • Free boundaries problems in mathematical biology.
  • Hemodynamics.
  • Hydrodynamics.
  • Neuroinformatics.
  • Mathematical models for evolutionary biology (deterministic modeles and stochastic processes).
  • Numerical methods in mathematical biology.
  • PDE's and fractional PDE's in medicine and biosciences.

Previous conferences:    EUMLS-2012  |  EUMLS-2013