For Participants

Tourist information


Hotel «Express»

Address: 38/40 Shevchenko Avenue, Kiev, Ukraine, 01032 (It is located located near "Universytet" metro station in 15 minutes walk from the Institute of Mathematics.)
Accommodation: starting from 11.00

If this hotel does not fit your needs, please use some generic booking service (like,, to find a suitable hotel. There is also a lot of private appartments in the center of Kyiv for different prices. If you choose a hotel or appartments not in the center of Kyiv, we would advise to look for a hotel near some metro station.

Other suggestions for accommodation

Participants are kindly requested to arrange their own accommodation by contacting the hotel directly. However, if you have any questions or doubts please contact the local organizing committee by email ( to recommend a hotel for you.

Previous conferences:    EUMLS-2012  |  EUMLS-2013