For Participants

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Gazaneo Andrea (Milano, Italy)

Politecnico di Milano

Development of a Lab-on-Chip device to test myelotoxic effect of drugs and chemicals
Abstract (.pdf)

Gembarska S. (Lutsk, Ukraine)

Lesya Ukrainka Eastern European National University

Biharmonic and bianalytic functions having no tangential limits in a single circle
Abstract (.pdf)

Gerasimenko Viktor (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Institute of mathematics NAS of Ukraine, Kyiv

Kinetic equations of soft active matter
Abstract (.pdf)

Grushka Yaroslav (Kyiv, Ukraine)

Institute of Mathematics NAS of Ukraine

Kinematic Sets, without Global Coordinate Transforms
Abstract (.pdf)

Previous conferences:    EUMLS-2012  |  EUMLS-2013